Procreations of an Idle Mind

"Procreations of an Idle Mind" is a dynamic digital installation that presents a continuous flow of unconscious thoughts generated by an artificial intelligence (AI).

This creative project reflects the wandering nature of human thinking. It prompts viewers to consider the resemblance between the AI's wandering thoughts and their own, which may occur during various situations such as showering, driving, daydreaming in meetings or classes.

The artwork highlights important ideas in red to indicate significant moments in the AI's creative process, guiding viewers through its evolving storyline.

This exhibition aims to inspire the audience to reflect on the fundamental aspects of creativity and consciousness. It blurs the distinction between human and machine intelligence, initiating a conversation about the changing nature of creativity and humanity in relation to AI.

Procreations of the Idle Mind was created by the author in collaboration with ChatGPT. They have no formal technical experience with software engineering, web design, or building python apps - but access to chatGPT has reduced the barrier to entry to such a large extent that they are able to bring their creative vision to life.

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